

—how do we swim with purpose?

What if you could design your way to a better, more resilient life?

And feel more like yourself, more human, at the same time.

We believe all humans have innate design capacity, which can be activated, enriched and empowered to bring about meaningful change in our lives.

Our design services are not—as is the norm—about us as professionals designing things for you. We don't believe that would make for a deep and thorough service. Instead we design with you, and take every opportunity to pass our design skills and knowledge into your hands, where they can do the most good.


What would that look like?

  • You would be learning design as an ultra-versatile way of thinking and being that has the capacity to re-work the structures of our lives, according to our values.
  • You'd be introduced to a range of joyfully creative design practices, to expand your capacity for making change through re-connection with everything that is deeply human.
  • And you'd be gaining a new kind of competence and courage with life's complexity, so that design can become masterfully holistic and a true journey to reaching your potential.

While We Are Humans Project is in a lively research & development phase, we are offering two proto-services, designed for investigative insight into your situation, and experimental energy to unearth exciting possibilities in your life.  These are the 2-hr Talk-Through, and Possibility Design.

Our core service—Design-for-Resilience Coaching—is still in development, hopefully ready for the world in mid-2025.  Watch this space.

Get in touch to book a goodness-of-fit conversation, or just let us know what you think of the project.


A one-off session with Andy to get a sense of what might be done together, or to ask specific questions about how the design process might work for your situation.

A series of sessions in which we examine the structures of your life and tease out a few exciting possibilities of where you could go next in your journey to resilience.

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